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From January to October, the global primary aluminum market was short of 981,000 tons

World Metal Statistics Bureau (WBMS): From January to October 2022, primary aluminum, copper, lead, tin and nickel are in supply shortage, while zinc is in a state of oversupply.

WBMS: The global nickel market supply shortage is 116,600 tons from January to October 2022

According to the latest report from the World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS), the global nickel market was short of 116,600 tons from January to October 2022, compared with 180,700 tons for the whole of last year. From January to October 2022, the refined nickel production totaled 2.371,500 tons, and the demand was 2.488,100 tons. From January to October in 2022, the amount of nickel minerals was 2,560,600 million tons, an increase of 326,000 tons year-on-year. From January to October, China’s nickel smelter output fell by 62,300 tons year on year, while China’s apparent demand was at 1,418,100 tons, up by 39,600 tons year on year. Indonesia’s nickel smelter production in January to October 2022 was 866,400 tons, up 20% year on year. From January to October 2022, global nickel apparent demand increased by 38,100 tons year-on-year.

WBMS: Global primary aluminum market such as  for doors and windows and so on, supply shortage of 981,000 tons from January to October 2022

The latest report released on Wednesday by the World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS) showed that the global primary aluminum market was short of 981,000 tons in January to October 2022, compared with 1.734 million tons for the whole of 2021. Global primary aluminum demand from January to October 2022 was 57.72 million tons, an increase of 18,000 tons over the same period in 2021. From January to October 2022, global primary aluminum production increased by 378,000 tons year on year. Despite a slight increase in the supply of imported raw materials in the first few months of 2022, China’s production is estimated at 33.33 million tonnes, up 3% year on year. In October 2022, the global primary aluminum production was 5.7736 million tons, and the demand was 5.8321 million tons.

WBMS: 12,600 tons of global tin market supply shortage from January to October 2022

According to the latest report released by the World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS), the global tin market was short of 12,600 tons from January to October 2022, reporting a decline of 37,000 tons compared with the total output from January to October 2021. From January to October 2022, China reported a total output of 133,900 tons. China’s apparent demand was 20.6 percent lower than in the same period last year. Global tin demand from January to October 2022 was 296,000 tons, 8% lower than the same period in 2021. Refined tin production in October 2022 was 31,500 tons and demand was 34,100 tons.

WBMS: Global copper supply shortage of 693,000 tons from January to October 2022

The World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS) on Wednesday reported 693,000 tons of global copper supply between January and October 2022, compared with 336,000 tons in 2021. Copper production from January to October in 2022 was 17.9 million tons, up 1.7% year on year; refined copper production from January to October was 20.57 million tons, up 1.4% year on year. Copper consumption from January to October in 2022 was 21.27 million tons, up 3.7% year on year. China’s copper consumption from January to October in 2022 was 11.88 million tons, up 5.4% year on year. Global refined copper production in October 2022 was 2,094,8 million tons, and demand was 2,096,800 tons.

WBMS: Supply shortage of 124,000 tons of lead market from January to October 2022

The latest data released on Wednesday by the World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS) showed a global lead supply shortage of 124,000 tons in January to October 2022, compared with 90,100 tons in 2021. Lead stocks at the end of October were down 47,900 tonnes from the end of 2021. From January to October 2022, global refined lead production was 12.2422 million tons, an increase of 3.9% over the same period in 2021. China’s apparent demand is estimated at 6.353 million tonnes, an increase of 408,000 tonnes from the same period in 2021, accounting for about 52% of the global total. In October 2022, global refined lead production was 1.282,800 tons and demand was 1.286 million tons.

WBMS: Zinc market supply surplus of 294,000 tons from January to October 2022

According to the latest report released by the World Metals Statistics Bureau (WBMS), the global zinc market supply surplus of 294,000 tons from January to October 2022, compared with a shortage of 115,600 tons for the whole of 2021. From January to October, global refined zinc production fell 0.9% year on year, while demand fell 4.5% year on year. From January to October 2022, China’s apparent demand was 5.5854 million tons, accounting for 50% of the global total. In October 2022, the production of zinc plate was 1.195 million tons, and the demand was 1.1637 million tons.

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